정의로운 전환을 위한 에너지기후정책연구소

    국내외 동향

작성일 : 10-11-15 11:49
[국외동향] [Xinhua] UNFCCC 사무총장, 칸쿤에서 상호 기후협약 성사 예상
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UNFCCC 사무총장, 칸쿤에서 상호 기후협약 성사 예상

◆ UNFCCC Christiana Figueres 사무총장은 11.10(수) UN 기후회의(11.29~12.10, 칸쿤)에서 정부 간 상호적인 기후합의가 이루어질 것 같다고 밝힘
- 사무총장은 각국이 각자의 기대치를 타협하고, 타국의 목표와 균형을 맞춰서 긍정적 성과를 이루어야 한다면서, 이 같은 방법이 다른 분야에서도 상호간 합의가 이루어지는 방법이라고 언급
- 사무총장은 기후변화 적응, 기술이전, 산림 분야 조치 추진, 장기 기후재원 관리를 위한 신규 기금 설립    등이 추진될 것이라고 언급
- 한편, 배출 감축 방법, 교토의정서 문제 등 여전히 각국 간 정치적인 차이가 많다고 인정
◆ 사무총장은 칸쿤 회의가 모든 문제를 해결할 수는 없겠지만, 매년 더 나은 합의가 이루어질 수 있는 기반을 만들 수는 있을 것이라고 밝힘

Mutually agreeable climate deal expected in Cancun: UN official

UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said on Wednesday that governments can reach a mutually agreeable climate deal in Cancun, Mexico.
"At this point, everything I see tells me that there is a deal to be done," Figueres said at a press briefing for Cancun in Bonn.
Figueres asked governments to make "compromise" and "balance their expectations so everyone can carry home a positive achievement while allowing others to do the same." "That's how multilateral agreements are made elsewhere and it's how it has to happen in climate, too," she said.
The deal can push actions on adaptation, technology transfer, forests and create a new fund to house long-term climate financing, Figueres said.
She also admitted that there are still "political gaps" among governments, focusing on how to move forward emission reductions, what to do about the Kyoto Protocol and how to anchor the many national targets and actions governments have put forward, especially targets of industrialized countries.
Figueres said a Cancun deal can not solve all the problems. But it can set a new pace for negotiations, where governments lock in bigger and better agreements every year, never ruling out new possibilities or ignoring existing needs for the future.
The 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference, so called COP16, will be held in Cancun, Mexico, from November 29 to December 10, 2010. To prepare for it five round of negotiations have been summoned, three in Bonn, Germany, one in Tianjin, China, while the latest one was pre-COP ministerial meeting held in Mexico City, Mexico from Nov. 3 to 6.
Source: Xinhua

* 기사원문 :  http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90777/90856/7195335.html
* 한글요약 원문 :


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